Whether you are new to GPPS or aren't new but haven't gotten involved before, we would like to invite all members of the school community to attend our meetings and/or join the P&C.

Our meetings are a great way to get involved in your child's education, meet other parents/carers, and contribute to the school community.

You don’t have to join to attend meetings, however by joining you will receive the meeting agendas and minutes that help you stay up to date on what is happening with the P&C and are entitled to vote on matters when the time arises.

All our members are busy parents/carers juggling kids, work and just life in general. By joining there is no commitment to volunteer.

Please note: that by paying your membership and joining the GPPS P&C using our website, you shall not be eligible to vote until the close of the meeting following your payment.


Some information about the membership fee

Parents/Carers of students attending the school and other interested community members aged 18 years or over (including staff members) are eligible to become members of the Grays Point Public School Parents and Citizens’ Association (GPPS P&C).

The Annual Membership Fee of $1.00 is payable here and entitles you to full voting rights, as a Financial Member, at the meeting following when your membership fee was paid. You must be a financial member to Vote at meetings or hold Office on the Executive or on a Sub- Committee.

You may join the P&C at any time during the year, however all memberships are due for renewal at the beginning of each year at the end of the AGM.

1 Year Membership

Your membership shall expire at the next Annual General Meeting (AGM). To maintain your voting rights, you can either renew your membership for the following year at the AGM or if using this website prior to the AGM.